Sunday, November 02, 2008

Client #1

Ft Worth, TX - Saturday I took Agile Images back to where it all really started. If you've followed me from the beginning, you know that I started in sports. One Saturday, I photographed a football game. My daughter, Chandler, was on assignment with me and was shooting cheerleaders. She took a shot of an 8 year old girl from Crowley. A few weeks later, I got a call from that girl's mother. She says, I love your work and I wondered if you would take our family photo this fall. THAT call was the first time someone actually asked ME to take their family photo, AND paid me to do it!

Saturday marked the third time I've photographed Melissa, Tim and the kids (bigger now!). We took it back to the Botanic Gardens in Ft. Worth, the site of our first session together. Here are some of my favorites from the day. Thanks again to Tim and Melissa for being so supportive of Agile Images.

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