Monday, July 14, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Midlothian, TX - On July 4th we hosted the Top Dog Racers 4th of July Party. If you aren't familiar with them, checkout They are an amazing group of people and dogs. They participate in dog disc, flyball, agility, and much more. Pam Martin, the owner of Top Dog Obedience, brought out her dog Pilot for a little R&R. Normally you can find Pam and Pilot on shows like Pet Star and Martha Stewart. But last week, they were just hangin' in the pool with us.

Sidebar: Agile Images got its name when my wife was participating in a dog agility event. There was no one there taking photos, and I thought "I could be taking pictures and selling them". My daughter said, "you will need a name." And the word AGILE just popped into my head. Thus, Agile Images was born.

If you have a pooch that you would love to have a photo of, give me a call. We printed this one 20x30" and you can find it hanging in the training center of Top Dog Obedience in Garland. Thanks to Pilot and Pam for the great shot.

By the way, Pam and her crew of dogs and other trainers from Top Dog perform at the State Fair of Texas each year. Here is a shot of her and her dog Viva from last fall. Dog World Magazine is running an article on Pam soon and if I'm lucky this shot might get in the issue. Cross your fingers for us !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're site is amazing and so are you. You some how captured Pilot's youthfulness. He is 10 years young and looking great. Thank you for a fun filled day. Hey, did our volleyball team win?
Pam Martin, Garland Tx