Tuesday, July 29, 2008

International Girl National Pageant: Off Stage

During the International Girl National Pageant in Dallas this past weekend, I got a chance to work with a few of the contestants off stage. Macy, Malori, and Kelsey were all great models. Each of them is working on building up their portfolio, so I was glad to help out.

International Girl National Finals Pageant 2008

Photos for the International Girl 2008 National Finals Pageant are now available to order. Click here to view information on packages and online ordering. We are adding albums daily, so if you do not find your album, please check back often. We are uploading the youngest girls first. Thanks for your patience. If you placed an order at the event, you can expect to receive your products in 1-2 weeks. Thank you.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Midlothian, TX - On July 4th we hosted the Top Dog Racers 4th of July Party. If you aren't familiar with them, checkout www.topdogdallas.com. They are an amazing group of people and dogs. They participate in dog disc, flyball, agility, and much more. Pam Martin, the owner of Top Dog Obedience, brought out her dog Pilot for a little R&R. Normally you can find Pam and Pilot on shows like Pet Star and Martha Stewart. But last week, they were just hangin' in the pool with us.

Sidebar: Agile Images got its name when my wife was participating in a dog agility event. There was no one there taking photos, and I thought "I could be taking pictures and selling them". My daughter said, "you will need a name." And the word AGILE just popped into my head. Thus, Agile Images was born.

If you have a pooch that you would love to have a photo of, give me a call. We printed this one 20x30" and you can find it hanging in the training center of Top Dog Obedience in Garland. Thanks to Pilot and Pam for the great shot.

By the way, Pam and her crew of dogs and other trainers from Top Dog perform at the State Fair of Texas each year. Here is a shot of her and her dog Viva from last fall. Dog World Magazine is running an article on Pam soon and if I'm lucky this shot might get in the issue. Cross your fingers for us !

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Abby Blue Eyes

Mesquite, TX - A recent family reunion turned in to an impromptu photo session with my little cousin Abby. Abby liked to say "cheese" when she looked at the camera, but I taught her to say "peanut butter" and "lizards" instead, and we got some really cute expressions. Here are a few of my favorites from Abby's session.

What's great about photography is that you can take a location such as the one we were in, and make it look like we meant to be there. All of these were shot on the back porch of a retirement center in Mesquite, TX. We didn't plan them, we didn't add a flash or a reflector or any props. We did have great light and a really cute kid, and that is usually all you need to make a great photo.

Give me a call if you're looking for photos like these of your kids. I can do it anywhere. You bring the little one, I'll bring the camera, and we'll let the setting sun take care of the rest.


A Baby Session: Alex

Thanks to the Cudd Family for allowing me into their home to take a few shots with Alex, their daughter. Alex's smile wasn't turned on yesterday, but her big brown eyes were shining. Here are a few of my favorites and a composite that I created for Alex's room.

If you have a little one that you need new photos of, please call or email about a session. 972-775-2769 or csmith@agileimages.com

Saturday, July 12, 2008

All Work and No Play - NEVER !

Crystal Beach, TX - Last week I spent the week with the family in Crystal Beach, TX. Its a small town on the Bolivar Peninsula near Galveston. We stayed in a great house on the beach and had a great time. Of course the camera was in tow and I think I took 750 shots while we were there. I don't post much personal stuff here, but since some of the photos were worth talking about, I'm doing it now. Some need a little explanation, so follow along.

First, the night we arrived was the 5th of July. Normally that means we've run out of fireworks and we're back to our normal quiet nights at home. Well someone forgot to tell the THOUSANDS of people on Crystal Beach that the 4th of July was the night BEFORE !

Next, Angie found a quiet moment alone to watch us play Little Tikes basketball with Connor. I just liked the light in this spot and the pattern of wooden stair rails made an interesting pattern.

Next, my daughter Chandler and I found that perfect golden light on the balcony of our beach house.

Next, this is a shot from crystal beach. Its a LOT darker here than it appears. The sun had already set when this shot happened. I liked the pattern created by their height, and the fact that everything I work for is right here in this shot.

Next, this is one of the many faces of Connor when he watches The Robinson's on his portable DVD player. The blinds made a cool background and the morning light coming in the window was just right. A big door made a perfect catch light in his big hazel eyes.

Next, my father-in-law took on one of those wave machines at Schliterbahn in Galveston. He's 54 I think and he did better than about 99% of the people attempting it. If you ever take your camera to a water park and shoot in a really bright situation like this, be sure to tell your camera to OVERexpose the shot so that your subject doesn't look like a big black blob in the center of a bunch of white water.

Next, Chandler and I got a kick out of the gulls that were brave enough, and hungry enough, to take a piece of bread right out of your hand. This is on the ferry between Crystal Beach and Galveston.

Next, Connor and me enjoying the ferry ride. Photo by Angie. I figured since most of you don't even know what I look like, now you do. I'm the big one in the green shirt.

And last, my favorite shot of the trip. No, it doesn't look like much here, but it is something to talk about. That little SPECK of something in the seagulls mouth is a SEAHORSE ! Now if you would have told me that a seahorse would wash up on Crystal Beach, and you'll photograph a seagull eating it and flying away with it, I would have said you were nuts. First, I didn't know seahorses were swimming around out there. Second, I didn't know a seagull would eat a seahorse. Third, I never thought I'd see one in the other's mouth even if it did happen. And last, the hardest part, be there with my camera to catch it. There's also a super-crop version so you can see what I saw. This is when the 12 megapixels comes in handy on the Nikon D300.

Ok that's my photo safari from Galveston, TX. Enjoy and call me to book a session.